International Journal of Textual and Translation Analysis in Islamic Studies (TTAIS) invites original articles in Islamic Terminology and Translation Studies. TTAIS emphasizes on quality and originality of the manuscripts and search for new findings and methods.
Manuscript Submission
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through online manuscript tracking systems (MTS) via Submission must be done only by one of the authors of the manuscript unless it will be rejected.
Article Types
Original research
It is an article reporting a detailed research including sections such as introduction, problem statement, literature review and hypotheses, methods, results, interpretation of findings and discussion.
Review article
It is an article providing up-to-date report on the current situation regarding certain important topics on Islamic terminology and translation studies and discusses previous development from the topic and gives an overview of the future. It is generally longer that original researches.
Case study
It is an academic work reporting a detailed study of a specific subject. It is commonly used in social and educational contexts. They are good for describing, comparing, evaluating and understanding different aspects of a research problem.
Originality of Manuscripts
English manuscripts must not previously published nor under the consideration for publication in any other journal or book, in whole or in part.
Manuscripts which have been presented in a conference before submission can be considered for review providing that there is substantial change in whole body or results.
Translated Manuscripts which have been published previously in a journal which its language is not English can be submitted provided that prior approval has been granted by the first Publisher, and that full and prominent disclosure of its original source is given at the time of submission.
Manuscript Preparation Requirements
Prior to submitting manuscript, author(s) have to read and follow the guidelines below:
File Format | Microsoft Word format |
Language | English; USEnglish or UK English are accepted as long as there is consistency. |
Article Title | Not more than 18 words |
Abstract | Arranged in a single paragraph of about 150-250 words and should contain purpose, methodology and findings. |
Keywords | 3 to 6 appropriate and short keywords that capture the principal topics of the paper. |
Fonts | Title: 20 Times New Roman (Bold) |
Body text: 12 Times New Roman | |
Headings: 13 Times New Roman (Bold) | |
Sub-headings: 13 Times New Roman (Italics) | |
Tables and Figures: 12 Times New Roman | |
Praghraph | General; Justified, Body text, Left to right/ Indentation: before and after text: 0, Special: First line by 0.5 cm, Spacing: before 12 after 0 single |
Margins | Margins must be 3 cm for all four sides (A4) |
Tables and Figures | All tables and figures must be well-formatted, numbered and labeled. They can be embedded either within the text or at the end of the manuscript. The tables caption should be set above the table and the figure caption should be set below the figure. All tables and figures have to be mentioned and referred in the text with their relevant numbers. |
Notes/endnotes |
Notes or endnotes should only be used if absolutely necessary. They should be identified in the text by consecutive numbers enclosed in square brackets. These numbers should then be listed and explained at the end of the article. |
References | All references must be complete, prompt and be written based on APA Citation Style otherwise the manuscript will be rejected. It is required to use the bibliography section of references menu in Microsoft Office Word or any other reference management software (such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, and ...) suitable for this purpose. Author(s) must avoid writing references manually. Paraghraph: General; Justified, Body text, Left to right/ Indentation: before and after text: 0, Special: Hanging line by 1 cm, Spacing: before 12 after 0 single. |