Analytical Probe into English Translations of Idioms in Selected Verses of Surah al-Mā’idah (The Food Table) and al-Isrā’ (The Night Journey), Based on Schleiermacher's Framework

Document Type : Case Study


1 English Department, Imam Reza International University

2 Imam Reza International University, Postgraduate of English Language Department, Holy Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran



The language of the Qur'an is highly eloquent and at the same time rich in rhetorical devices. Transferring the characteristics and properties of two languages belonging to different origins has always been a tricky task. Although throughout history, many knowledgeable Muslim scholars have accomplished prolific productions concerning idioms in the Quran, we still face obscurities as to how to understand and convey the sheer message of the idioms. As in any language, there are language specific idioms in Arabic as the language of the Quran, which reflect the Arab culture and environment. The fact that different cultures conceptualize reality in varying ways leads idioms to be characterized by cultural characteristics. This is why some of the existing translations of the Qur’anic idioms do not convey the full depth of meaning. This article aimed to investigate various interpretations and English translations of the idioms in the verses 29 of Sura al-Isrā’ and 64 of Surah al-Mā’idah. To this aim, the translations of twelve prominent translators were compared and contrasted. Considering the descriptive nature of the work, the researchers tried to describe the methods that the selected translators have used in their work for translation of the Quran. The theoretical framework underpinning this study is the translation methods of Schleiermacher; furthermore, the translations have been analyzed and ranked based on Waddington’s holistic model of translation quality assessment. Finally, taking into consideration the translations’ points of strength and weakness, new translations have been offered for the verse, which sound comprehensible for today’s generation.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 04 February 2025
  • Receive Date: 25 October 2024
  • Revise Date: 21 November 2024
  • Accept Date: 12 December 2024